Monday 13 April 2020

Tarte au Sucre Sans Gluten (Sugar Pie)

This gluten free version of my family’s favorite French Canadian sugar pie is sinfully delicious...... Depending on the type of pie crust you use, you might not need all the sugar mixture. If you have any left, pour it in buttered ramekins (only fill halfway) and cook along with the pie. This goes well with a tall cold glass of milk. 

***Do not substitute the sweet white rice flour with regular white rice flour or you will have a gritty filling which is not very palatable.***


1 -9 inch gluten free deep dish uncooked pie shell
2 cups brown sugar, packed
3 tablespoons sweet white rice flour
1 (354 ml) can Evaporated Milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup butter, cold and grated 



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In bowl, mix brown sugar and sweet white rice flour.
  3. In separate bowl, whisk together milk, eggs and vanilla.
  4. Gradually add to flour mixture mixing well.
  5. Place pie crust over a rimmed cookie sheet.
  6. Fill pie with mixture to just under 1/4” from top edge.
  7. Drop cold shredded butter on top of pie.
  8. Cook for 45 to 50 minutes, until outside edges are firm and center is slightly jelly like.
  9. Remove from oven and cool completely before slicing.
  10. Enjoy!

*Please keep in mind that not all dried herbs and spices are gluten free so check the labels to make sure the brand you are using is gluten free. The same applies for prepackaged store-bought items, check the labels to be sure. If in doubt, call the toll free number on packaging to be safe and to make your cooking/eating experience truly gluten free.

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