Thursday, 16 February 2017

Spicy Mustard Whooey!!!

This is mustard I like to serve with hot dogs and burgers. It is also very nice served with roast beef and prime rib. This is very spicy so not for the weak…..

2 tablespoon ground mustard powder
2 tablespoons dill pickle juice
2 teaspoons honey
1/2 teaspoon cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
Dash fresh ground pepper

Whisk all the ingredients together and keep refrigerated until ready to use.

*Please keep in mind that not all dried herbs and spices are gluten free so check the labels to make sure the brand you are using is gluten free. The same applies for prepackaged store-bought items, check the labels to be sure. If in doubt, call the toll free number on packaging to be safe and to make your cooking/eating experience is truly gluten free.

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